
CSA Kriya Yoga Study Group

Indiana Center for Spiritual Awareness
call 260-837-7454


Kriya Yoga:

Philosophy and Lifestyle Practices

The Sanskrit word kriya means "action." Yoga can mean the practices used to facilitate overall well-being and spiritual growth, or  oneness-consciousness: the final result of practice. In Patanjali's yoga-sutras, a two thousand year old treatise on superconscious meditation, kriya yoga is defined as discipline of mental and sensory impulses, self analysis, profound study of metaphysics (higher realities), meditation, and surrender of ordinary self-consciousness (egoism) in favor of God-realization.

Kriya yoga is a concentrated approach to Self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment: complete awakening to full knowledge of the Infinite and of cosmic processes. It includes the most effective processes of all systems of yoga, with emphasis on wholesome, constructive living and superconscious meditation practice. The purpose of kriya yoga practice is to restore the practitioner's awareness to wholeness. This is accomplished by acquiring knowledge of one's true nature as a spiritual being; cultivating rational thinking, emotional balance, and physical health; purposeful living; and meditation.

To facilitate the unfoldment of innate qualities and elicit superconscious states, specific meditation techniques are taught and practiced. Beginning meditators are usually taught how to use a simple word or sound (mantra) to focus attention. After a period of preparatory study and practice, initiation into advanced meditation processes can be requested.

Although kriya yoga has been known and practiced for centuries, it was Roy Eugene Davis' guru, Paramahansa Yogananda, who first emphasized it in the west. Yogananda traveled from India to America in 1920 and lectured, wrote, and trained disciples for 32 years before his passing in 1952. His best known book, Autobiography of a Yogi, is now published in multiple languages around the world.

Roy Eugene Davis

Roy Eugene Davis


Kriya Yoga Study Group
Center for Spiritual Awareness

Roy Eugene Davis is the founder and director of Center for Spiritual Awareness. All authentic enlightenment traditions are honored and the innate, divine nature of every person is acknowledged. We affirm that it is possible for everyone, by right personal endeavor and God's grace, to have a conscious relationship with the Infinite and to fulfill all of life's purposes in harmony with natural laws.

The CSA Kriya Yoga Study Group is for truth seekers to study philosophical principles, review meditation techniques and meditate. We meet once a month to study and meditate. 

Vicki and Keith Wetoskey are both CSA Teachers affiliated with the Center for Spiritual Awareness in Lakemont Georgia. Their teacher is Roy Eugene Davis who is a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda.

The Kriya Yoga Study Group meets once a month at 4127 U.S. 6 - Waterloo Indiana.

For questions or meeting dates
call 260-837-7454

Visit the Facebook Page at:

Center for Spiritual Awareness / Indiana Kriya Yoga Study Group


Meditation Practice
For Personal Benefit and Spiritual Growth

Meditation is a natural process of withdrawing attention from external conditions and directing it inward to a chosen focus of concentration.

The beneficial side-benefits of regular meditation practice have been widely reported in a variety of secular news magazines and newspapers. These can include stress reduction, strengthening of the body's immune system, better organized thought processes, improved powers of concentration, enhanced powers of memory, refinement and enlivening of the nervous system, awakening of regenerative energies, slowing of biologic aging processes, development of the capacities of the brain to process perceptions and states of consciousness, and orderly functioning of the body's organs, glands, and systems. For these reasons, regular meditation practice is now increasingly recommended by many physicians and other health practitioners.

While the side-benefits can be welcomed and enjoyed, the primary purpose of meditation practice is to elicit clear states of consciousness and to facilitate progressive, authentic spiritual growth.

- Roy Eugene Davis


Connect With Us

CSA Kriya Yoga Study Group

4127-US Hwy 6
Waterloo, Indiana 46793

Phone: (260) 837-7454 


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